Soph profile
No longer making videos, don't sub!!! Also most main videos have been removed from the backlog, only 16 remain.

Subscription Tiers

per month

You look pretty normal kid… we’ll see how long that lasts. At this tier, you get the main videos. (No longer making new content, and only 16 videos remain in the backlog, constituting just under 6 hours of content).

per month

Congratulations on your diagnosis! You get all previous benefits.

per month

Have you taken your meds yet today? You get all the previous benefits, plus access to Tidbit (Podcast series, no longer making new content, and only 9 episodes remain in the backlog, constituting 5.5 hours of content).

per month

Whoops! Looks like you went too far down the rabbit hole and came out with permanent brain damage. No worries, all of your special needs will be taken care of at this tier. You get all previous benefits.

per month
Supreme Gentleman

Welcome to the high roller tier. You get all previous benefits, plus: the knowledge that you are singlehandedly bankrolling this insanity. I personally wouldn't want to have the guilt of being responsible for something so awful on my conscience, but to each their own.


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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