I work every week to provide content related to all things music and music/instruction, particularly guitar/keyboard/compositional. I have a large amount of original material that I put out and will do much more in the future.
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PURSUE THE TRUTH. EXPOSE THE TRUTH. SPEAK THE TRUTH. Join our growing audience of people that value truth and common sense analysis. Thank You for Supporting FREE SPEECH with No Commercials and NO Censorship. Corporate News Media Lies Every Day.
Dear American Patriot, We need to laugh or we'll go crazy but we need the truth or we'll lose our country. Think about all the "anchors", "journalists", "hosts", "entertainers" and even some so-called "truthers" who have lied to you about so many things that have impacted your life. Especially in recent years. I don't lie to you. In fact I have fun getting to the truth even when telling the truth makes me a target. My daily reports are commercial free. My podcasts are uncensored. There is no corporate machine keeping me locked on some fake narrative. I have no products to pitch you. I interview more whistleblowers than celebrities. Thank you God Bless you and our country, Ken
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