The Salty Nerd Podcast profile
The Salty Nerd Podcast
The Salty Nerd Podcast
A snarky pop-culture podcast with funny & salty takes on movies, TV shows, & other nonsense.
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Subscription Tiers

per month

S'up, Boo? You know we love you! At this basic tier you'll get access to all our Patreon-only blog posts and all our behind-the-scenes content, like photos and videos of how the sausage is made on the podcast!

0 subscribers
per month
Plucky SideKick

At this tier you get everything on the "Boo" level along with exclusive Patreon-only episodes of the podcast and Q&A sessions where the Questions will be read and answered on the podcast.

0 subscribers
per month
The Barbarian

At this tier, you are truly formidable! You get access to everything from the previous tiers, but also gain access to our Discord server community, get early access to new shows and videos, can participate in our monthly livestreams, and can vote in our fan polls about what movies to watch for the podcast!

0 subscribers
per month
Ash Williams

In addition to getting everything in the previous tiers, you'll also receive an exclusive welcome package consisting of a Salty Nerd t-shirt and coffee mug! You'll also get your name listed in all our YouTube videos, as well as a special listing on our "Pillar of Salt" page on

0 subscribers
per month

In addition to getting EVERYTHING in the previous tiers, you, our most loyal Patron, shall get access to the show's private Twitter DM group, a shoutout within each episode of the podcast, and exclusive access to a monthly "Watch Party" where you can watch and discuss a video along with us online!

Limited (0 out of 5) subscriptions


  • Exclusive Episodes and Rewards

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.

Star Stats

5 posts


$0.00 of $250
per month
At this goal level, we can pay for all the movies we have to watch every month. And we're going to do a special "drinking show" to celebrate when we hit this goal, celebrating our paid-for movie library.
$0.00 of $500
per month
When we hit $500, we're going to celebrate! This will keep us in coffee and movies for quite some time. When we hit this goal, we'll do a special live Q&A podcast to mark the occasion!
$0.00 of $1,000
per month
Going for the $1k goal! If we hit $1k, we're going to be able to start upgrading our studio and equipment to bring you better quality episodes! We'll celebrate by doing a video studio tour and show you what goes into making the show!
$0.00 of $2,500
per month
We're getting close to our full-time goal! Once we achieve this goal, we'll be able to afford a stand-alone studio space so we can continue to improve the production quality of our show & get top-gear video equipment! To celebrate this achievement, we'll do another behind-the-scenes video showing our new studio, and do a special livestream to mark the occasion!
$0.00 of $5,000
per month
Wow! We're getting into the home stretch! Upon achieving this goal, Alex will be able to quit his job and begin working on the podcast full time! To celebrate this incredible milestone, we'll do a livestream of Alex's "quit his job" party.
$0.00 of $7,500
per month
We're in the home stretch! At this goal, MattVader can quit his job and begin working on the podcast full time! To celebrate this incredible milestone, we'll livestream Vader's "quit his job" party!
$0.00 of $10,000
per month
This is it! Our ultimate goal! Upon achieving this goal, the entire Salty Crew can work on the podcast full time. To celebrate achieving this amazing milestone, we'll do a behind the scenes video, a Q&A, and a livestream watch party!
$0.00 of $15,000
per month
At this stretch goal, we can afford to hire a staff to help us edit our podcasts and videos! Upon hitting this goal, we'll do a special watch party livestream and send all our supporters a special gift!

Other stars

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