Syria updates - 2nd August

ISIS continues to attack civilians in central and north-east Syria

ISIS continues their attacks on civilians targeting shepherds and stealing or killing hundreds of sheep. After the killing of a young shepherd a few days ago east of Raqqa and the theft of 300 sheep, another attack was thwarted by the local Syrian National Defence forces on the axix of Qawsa Maadan in the Western countryside of Deir Ezzor.
NDF forces pursued the terrorists deep into the Syrian desert, retrieved the flock and killed and wounded members of the ISIS cell.

All these attacks are triggered by the U.S. Occupation Forces to further decimate Syrian civilian resources which now include flocks of sheep that have enormous value in the devastated Syrian economy. This is also about an increased sense of insecurity for the inhabitants of the land east of Palmyra and Homs.

Oil tankers deliberately targeted by ISIS

On Monday night, an armed ISIS attack targeted a convoy of oil tankers, on the Salamiyah-Raqqa road heading for the Homs refinery, killing and wounding members of the Syrian Arab Army.
Local sources said on social media that the attack, which was launched by ISIS gunmen, killed 5 and wounded 4 members of the SAA.
The U.S. has clearly reactivated ISIS terror cells under their control to carry out terror attacks against civilians including the heinous attack in southern Damascus on the 30th July that left 8 dead, 23 injured including women and children.
A day before the oil convoy attack, the Syrian military intelligence engaged with another ISIS cell near Kanaker in the Damascus countryside.
This new wave of U.S.-led proxy guerilla warfare is in response to the SAA troop build up and increase in attacks by Russia and Syria against terrorist headquarters in the north-west (Idlib), north-east and south - close to the U.S. Al Tanf base.
All these terror attacks are designed to deepen the economic misery for the Syrian people across all sectors including humanitarian and medical and to further ensure energy-deprivation for an already blockaded and decimated nation.

Increased Russian and Syrian attacks on Al Qaeda bases in north-west
The Syrian Arab Army supported by UAV surveillance has intensively targeted Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (Al Qaeda offshoot) headquarters and fortifications with heavy artillery and missiles in the villages and towns of Sarmin, Nayrab and Maarbalit in the Idlib countryside. Wait for the White Helmet “outrage”.

Kennedy doubles down on Zionist apologism
It's strange how haughty and morally righteous people are being on this issue.  Look at the world, and look at Palestine and Israel.  There are bigger things at stake
I have a huge problem with similar comments and statements that I am increasingly seeing on social media in response to any challenge to Kennedy’s appalling Zionist apologism and orientalism towards the region - according to him “Iran hangs gays from cherry pickers” and Russia and China are the primary regional threat - for the U.S. not for the region.
Anyone who thinks that there are bigger issues at stake than Palestine and Israel are ignorant of how Israel and Palestine impacts on the region and the world beyond the region including Ukraine where Israel plays a pivotal role in the NATO war against Russia.
Brianna Joy Gray does a great job of challenging Kennedy on his Israel apologism. All he can do is to respond with Zionist hasbara talking points which are becoming increasingly shameful as he comes under sustained fire from the genuine Palestine solidarity movement and activists/journalists.
What is Kennedy doing? He is increasing U.S. isolationism and to a large degree White supremacy when you look at the demographic of his supporters who are twisting themselves into knots trying to defend his criminal denial of Israeli crimes because "America first".
I have seen a number of comments on YouTube and Twitter, even my own Substack stating that Israel/Palestine is not important - there are more important issues (for Amrikkans) - this is sociopathic reprogramming to justify U.S hegemony globally and regionally in West Asia (Middle East) where Israel acts as the U.S. military outpost and annexes Arab territory, bombs Arab infrastructure, steals Arab resources, murders Arab peoples, sponsors terrorist groups to massacre Arabs, runs an apartheid, genocidal settler state regime in Palestine and regionally - yet we are supposed to believe that "Iran hangs gays from cherry pickers" regularly or that Russia and China are the big regional threats.
This is pure evil imo.
Caveat: Of course Brianna has her reasons for doing this as she has another candidate in mind but she still does a better job than any of the independent media pundits who have soft-balled Kennedy interviews.