Six Video Segments: Reading the Coup D'etat: Assassination of John F. Kennedy Trading Cards, Cards #25 to #30 [ASMR]

1) Coup D'etat: The Assassination of John F Kennedy #25: Haroldson Lafayette Hunt, Oil Money, JFK ASMR
2) Coup D'etat: The Assassination of John F Kennedy #26: Jack Ruby, The Policeman's Pimp, JFK ASMR
3) Coup D'etat: The Assassination of John F Kennedy #27: Jean Souetre, The French Connection, JFK ASMR
4) Coup D'etat: The Assassination of John F Kennedy, Card #28: CIA-Mafia Plots, The Mob, JFK ASMR
5) Coup D'etat: The Assassination of John F Kennedy #29: Robert Kennedy, Future Target, JFK ASMR
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6) Coup D'etat: The Assassination of John F Kennedy, Card #30: Marilyn Monroe, Goddess, JFK ASMR
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