My New Strategy For Shutting Down Marcus Goldfinch For Good

In case anyone is wondering, I'm not on Youtube because Marcus Goldfinch has again, for the second time in 2 years, convinced Youtube's legal department that he owns the copyrights to my content.

This ongoing piracy, theft, infringement, and harassment started getting creepier than normal when he started streaming live videos of me, pretending to be me, then I sent my driver's license to Youtube---and they DENIED my claim, and shut my channel down.

So, in response, I have filed a lawsuit against Marcus Goldfinch and Youtube (Google LLC).

I did so in Santa Clara County.

Then, I filed a similar suit against Twitter Inc., for allowing Marcus Goldfinch to infringe there as well, despite my Trademark complaints.

I expect to see results in 3-4 days once copies of the filing make their way around.

I plan to be back on a once or twice daily Livestream schedule starting soon. I would prefer to never take a day off but this channel has its opposition.

-- Also worth mentioning--- I added Flat Earth Reset as a John Doe defendant in the case against Youtube...........So we can expect an unmasking there in 2020....

Thank you all for your patience and continued support.

Tim Ozman


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