We rely on your support and participation here to keep our groups, channels, and website going - not only on SubscribeStar but on ALL our social media platforms.

Recently, we have launched a video feed and now we are nearly complete on our news content feed. This feed will bring the latest headlines shortly after they have been published.ย 

For now, we are feeding The Washington Post, The Epoch Times, and The Right Scoop onto our various platforms where we can. Given the 10 post limitation of SubscribeStar, we manually provide what we believe are the most important posts for the day.

In the comments below, we need to know what sites do you visit for your news.

You don't need to know if they have an RSS feed, we will search one out and if not available, see if we can create one. For those that we can, they will be added to our roster of feeds going to our page. For those that can't, we'll see what other options are available to us.


The days of needing financial support are upon us. For the most part, we have been funding ALL Decisive Liberty projects privately through our own pockets. We are preparing a financial campaign that will include some advertising, promotions for products bearing the Decisive Liberty logo, as well as our paid membership program. Details of this campaign will be shared in the coming days.ย 

Our goal while growing remains to same: to keep YOUR needs for news in mind as well as providing objective and informed input to any questions as well as comments. Our moderators have been doing an excellent job in this matter during my absence as well. We anticipate being out of the construction business (building our site) and back "in the saddle" (commenting, replying more frequently) some time during the last half of this year.
Meanwhile, be sure to let us know what sites you visit for your news so we can bring their headlines here for your convenience. They will also be made in our newsletter, which is under construction, that will have the same headlines provided to our various social media pages, groups, as well as our website.

As always, we are VERY thankful for everyone here and always look forward to conversing whenever we can - here or on our other social media platforms.

Garrett O'Brien

You can always find us on any social media platform through this one link: