#Cryptocurrency past, now and future.... as well as how the reset is going to affect all cryptocurrencies...Β  If you or anyone you know has some, the need to know what's share in this post...
What cryptocurrency are you using - BitCoin? Ethereum? Other? None? What is Deep State's interest in this? How long have they been interested?


What you need to know past and present, as well as the coming reset and how it will affect cryptocurrency...

We provide you with some direction to the following questions…

> What is cryptocurrency?

> How safe is cryptocurrency?

> How did cryptocurrency start and who started it all?

> How does cryptocurrency fit in with the current Central Bank system?

> What should you anticipate in 2020 with cryptocurrency?

This is not a comprehensive post about cybercurrency – this post is designed to get you thinking and asking yourself the right questions concerning cybercurrency.