Putting so much effort into this musical journey has its ... serendipities?  I started this song right after my cover of Paul McCartney's, "Wonderful Christmastime", and had no idea what it would be about.  It began as the cloud-like synth, and in a few days, I had the chord progression mapped out.  I then started the lyrics and wrote the first verse expecting it to be a happy song, but as soon as I got to the chorus, I knew something was up.  During the writing of the third verse, it became apparent this song was going to be about death from the angle of "The Best is Yet to Come".  None of it made sense, but at this point, that's kind of the norm for my music writing.  Anyway, a few days later, after the main structure was more or less solidified, I was talking with a good friend of mine who works in the healthcare industry, and without getting into any specifics, he mentioned to me how a lot of people around him are dying and it's affecting him more than usual.  While he's talking, I am somewhat in disbelief as it becomes evident that this song was written for him.  Interesting how things like this happen - and this isn't unique.  Stuff like this has happened dozens of times in the past few years.  Kinda cool, huh?  I love music.

Anyway, please enjoy my latest rock song, "The Best is Yet to Come"
