Russell “Texas” Bentley discusses American Empire and the war in Ukraine. He considers Moscow’s invasion and Special Military Operation (SMO) to have been carried out in self-defense given NATO’s longstanding goal of destroying Russia. After the 2004 color revolution and 2014 coup Kiev became a U.S. puppet state. Russell warns that what the U.S. Empire has done abroad will now be done to Americans at home as the U.S. has become a fascist oligarchy. Russians have been wondering why Moscow has implemented certain “Great Reset” measures (e.g. QR Code passports) but Russell believes Russia is truly fighting the New World Order. Despite clear evidence of U.S. biolabs in Ukraine, the West is able to sweep that under the rug because they are winning the information war, but Russia is trying to win with the truth. If Russia loses in Ukraine it loses credibility and the dreams of the multipolar world go down the drain.