Our Next Four Live Streams: Math (Tuesday, 12:30 PM PST), Health (Wednesday, 9:00 AM), Current Events (Thursday, 11:30 AM), Julian Assange (Saturday, 11:00 AM)

Hi everyone, here are our next four scheduled live streams on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chycholive 

1) Drop in Math Tutoring Session 2019, #10: Let's Do Some Math, Open Discussion [ASMR]
Tuesday, Dec 17, 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM PST
Let's do some high school math, open discussion. Consider this a live stream tutoring session. Come with your questions, things you need help with, and we'll see what we can do to clear things up. Everything game except Calculus, hard core Stats, and no combinatorics and permutations. All else game (fingers crossed).
2) Open Discussion on Food and Health [ASMR]
Wednesday, Dec 18, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM PST
This is going to be our first live stream discussion focused on food and health. We’ll see how things unfold but what I would like to do is begin our dialogue on a healthy life, brainstorm on what some of the most important tips we have for each other, as well as sharing some of the health effects that we have to deal with as we age, something that all of us have to keep in mind and prepare for, preferably by having a good exercise routine and a healthy diet. 

3) Open Discussion on Current Events: News, Politics, Economics and more [ASMR]
Thursday, Dec 19, 11:30 AM - 1:30 AM PST
Let’s take a look at the world and try to understand the games at play. Open discussion, come with questions. We'll try our best to figure out what's going on and how we can prepare for the changes taking place.

4) Julian Assange: Open Discussion, Part 7 [ASMR]
Saturday, Dec 21, 11:00 AM - 1:00 AM PST
This is the final leg, what the fate of Julian Assange will be and what it will mean for our societies. Let's talk about what has happened so far and what our part is in it. Open discussion.