Atheist Voicemails #25: Female and Atheist in Saudi Arabia
These are messages left from atheists in different countries. Listen to their voicemails. And consider leaving your own message 🎤

From Saudi Arabia, a 20-year-old from a Muslim family shares with us how life there is very difficult as an atheist. Her family will kill her if she tells them she is an apostate.

The second speaker is from Malaysia. A homosexual, he tells us what his experiences are and his depression. Walter says that he has become addicted to cutting himself.

The third speaker has a message for England. She does not want England to be like her own country when it comes to treating atheists and LGBTQI.

From Tunisia, the fourth speaker does not feel safe and free.

David is from the UK and has been an atheist all his life. The last speaker is an Iranian ex-Muslim who has a Youtube channel. He lives in London and he appreciates what the Atheist Republic does.

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