I decided to write-up a hit-location table just so I can add a little extra description to combat narration without having to think up a new body part each time someone makes a successful attack.  But I need to playtest it before releasing it to the public.

However, I also thought of a narrative-helping hit-location table for weird, Lovecraftian monsters and such.  The next time your players crit on some bizarre beast, tell the PCs they pierced its luja'ak flaps!

Eldritch Hit-Location

1. Umthra'ax
2. Yangorius nibblits
3. Karflussol
4. Zemek undercarriage
5. Inner fleebux
6. Vlorebleetz
7. Luja'ak flaps
8. Sciatic kwa'al
9. Nesteen vertebrae
10. Tassit-plastus
11. "Schlong-skull"
12. Abdosekreet
13. Ha'alsifax
14. Kamoric fringe
15. Bekko tassels
16. Frebbesh-Mao
17. Galthoran veins
18. Lateral Verta'ax
19. Klypeus frons
20. Coxa ganglia


If you use any of these in your game, let me know how it went!  Like this post?  There's more where that came from.  Subscribe for just $5 a month, and keep me cancel-proof by the radical authoritarian-left!
