Hello there!

I'm Mskraizy, an artist and animator with a passion for cartoons!

Which is what you'll see a lot of here.

I'm interested in creating my own cartoon series based around little creatures I call...well...creatchies. A hodge podge of childhood characters that all have, apparently, had some sort of impact on my life.

I write to a blog called Kraizy Colorful Plans, and I also have a corresponding shop where I sell a lot of my own custom created clipart, digital art and more!

I'm just brewing with a lot of ideas and I can't wait until I'm able to start bringing them to fruition! Want to come along from the journey? Then I encourage you to check me out and subscribe. Lurk around if you'd like, leave for a bit, think about it.

But I know you'll be back.

You can't live without it.