Please follow me on my website.. I really don’t know who works at YouTube that is really against me very hard, to the point where it’s extremely strange. I literally got a email from support stating that I had a bot on my channel for almost 3 years and they stated  as if I put a bot on my own channel ?! How strange does that sound?? But then they told me that they would check to be sure and they did they email me back and they let me know that it was nothing on my end and they fix the issue & apologized, but they said that all the money that were made from the ads playing on my videos were refunded back to the advertisers and of course they cannot return the funds, after years of hard work.. I do everything on my own, & that’s the reason I created my own website where I have full control. I do not have control on YouTube because if I did I would’ve known of this issue on my channel  years ago… this makes the views and subscribers  fluctuate without it being natural. Please follow me on my website here just in case they can take the whole channel and trash it.. 
& SUBSCRIBE TO NIGHTQUILL for backup🙏🏽😔 I also will be closing this account as well by the end of this month, so please cancel account payments please 🙏🏽🙏🏽 Love Quill❤️