So, sometimes my songs are just fun ditties that come into my head on a whim, and some come from somewhere deep inside.  This song came from a conversation with someone very close to me, who I've known for 16 years, but never took time to really get to know.  Anyway, we had a heart-to-heart and came to know of some deep differences in our beliefs and worldviews.  It finally got to the point of deciding if I should throw away our relationship, or put a microscope on my own beliefs.  I'm grateful I chose the latter, and that is what this song is all about.

As I was writing, it also became clear that this is a message to not only me but to a hurting world at large.  Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my own beliefs it can become a jail cell without me even knowing it.  When I find myself in this position, I usually think it's the opposite.  I believe everyone else is trapped in the "wrong" and I am free in my "right".  It's hard to take a close look at myself because I know when I do, I usually have some things that need changing, and change is hard.  From my experience, though, nothing too terrible usually comes from introspection, deeply considering what may or may not be true.

Anyway, that's the longest intro to a song I've ever written.  Thanks for sticking it out with me.  Please enjoy my latest original rock song, "Between Me and You"