St. Matthew the Apostle. See bottom of post for attribution and source link.

Here's the Mass Schedule for this coming week. If your Patron Saint or a saint you commonly pray to has a feastday coming up this week, this would be a good time to have a Mass said in his or her honor!

Monday 9/19 - St. Januarius, Bishop, and his Companions, Martyrs.
Tuesday 9/20 - St. Eustace and Companions, Martyrs.
Wednesday 9/21 - St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist.
Thursday 9/22 - St. Thomas of Villanova, Bishop and Confessor.
Friday 9/23 - St. Linus, Pope and Martyr.
Saturday 9/24 - Our Lady of Ransom.

This Wednesday's "collected intentions" Mass will be on the feastday of St. Matthew the Apostle.

You'll also notice the Ember Days were supposed to take place this week, but were instead superseded by the Feast of an Apostle, of a Pope, and of Our Lady.

The calendar I use is the pre-1955 Roman Calendar, and can be found on TRADITIO's website. Here's the link to their calendar files:

Image Credit - "St. Matthew Icon," by Theophilia on Deviant Art: