WEEKLY REPORT 44: June 5th, 2022



1) Bilderberg tyrants meet in Washington D.C. scheming against humanity.

2) Utah County attorney calls for sheriff's resignation over ritual sex abuse.

3) Child sex trafficking: Seventy missing children found by Texas authorities.

4) FBI arrests Trump advisor Peter Navarro after he vowed to impeach Joe Biden.

GoGetFunding: https://gogetfunding.com/mandate-getaway/

Merchandise: https://moteefe.com/totaldisclosureshop

Merchandise: https://moteefe.com/lion-disclosure

Website: https://www.totaldisclosure.net

Website: https://www.goodlion.tv

Email: [email protected]

Produced by Alessandro du Châtel & Nick Alvear

Written, narrated, and edited by Alessandro du Châtel

LION DISCLOSURE is a joint venture between Total Disclosure and Good Lion TV.