I might be Jedi, but I’m nobody’s fool. Also, I’m a problem child.

I am a Sentinel; My Lightsaber is Yellow.
I am very skilled in tracking and my goal is to hunt down all traces of Bogan in the galaxies. Us Yellow Lightsabers keep a very low profile and often go undercover, to the point that some Ashla followers Don’t Even Know WE EXIST.
Also me: I hang out in strip clubs getting lap dances while drinking beer, hiding in plain sight with an open carried Lightsaber (and a concealed blaster). My X-Wing is parked in the lot.
In a zombie scenario, I am…
I made it out, alive and well supplied. I kept most of MY party alive too. I knew what to look for, what to take, and when to just run. I have an overwhelming DUTY to go back- And WHEN I do, I’ll do great.
But also me:
I’m Robert “The Executioner” MORRIS;
I’m loyal and brave (“maybe” to a fault), but I’m also a dangerous psychotic killing machine. YOU say I need professional help, but we both know all I REALLY need is MORE AMMO.

You can be a good guy, AND an evil motherfucker at the same time. It’s about BALANCE.