Tessa Lena discusses her foray into writing about The Great Reset via her popular Substack which is also featured on prominent websites such as Mercola.com. She never imagined the dystopian future would come so soon. In an attempt to explain what’s going on today, she examines the Great Resets of the past, from Russian serfdom, to the Russian Revolution (Lenin’s “Great Reset”), and growing up during the collapse of the Soviet Union. She talks about “disease blackmail” and how she’s skeptical on putting much weight on “isms”, but the ideology of Davos communism is what the Bolsheviks were using. She talks about rock stars going “Covid Central,” what the Algorithm Ghetto might look like, and how we all have an inner technocrat. Tessa doesn’t think Davos will get what it wants because it’s just too crazy: https://geopoliticsandempire.com/2022/02/08/tessa-lena-parallels-exist-between-lenins-great-reset-schwabs-great-reset