Welcome! I think I'll start things off by introducing just what Um Jammer Lammy is, and why I care enough about it to make a comic.

Um Jammer Lammy is a Playstation 1 game, released in 1999. The gameplay is rhythm-based, and is fairly challenging. Many of you probably know about PaRappa the Rapper, which is the main series, with Um Jammer Lammy being a spinoff. When I rented this weird game back in 1999, I fell in love with how absolutely outlandish it is. Check out the opening cutscene for yourself to get a peak at the strangeness.

Specifically, I really like the main character, Lammy. She's sheepish (get it?) and lacks faith in her abilities, though she always tries her best. But when her guitar is in her hands, she transforms into a super confident guitar shredding fiend! It's true that it's not a particularly unique premise, but to teenage me, who was also becoming a very nervous person who just wanted to do their best, I couldn't help but get swept up in caring about her.

Fast forward to now, where I'm still playing the game and drawing fanart in my spare time. I've had the idea to make a fan comic about Lammy for... close to a decade now. It's nothing huge or groundbreaking, just a 20 to 30 page idea that will make me very happy to see. I'm making this purely to celebrate my passion for this little game.

I hope you come with me on this journey to write my first comic completely from scratch! I will do my best to make it fun, and put in a lot of love.