John Klyczek discusses the roots of the modern-day technocratic system of education. Beginning with its Prussian origins in Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Wilhelm Wundt's laboratory for psychological research, the Order of Skull and Bones, John Dewey, and John B. Watson, these systems are geared toward a collectivist model of workforce training and stimulus response psychology. Later on, UNESCO through Julian Huxley seeks to integrate the idea of eugenics into the education system. Through the decades buzzwords like "life-long learning" appear, which in reality refers to continual institutional re-training to keep up with the evolution of the global economy. He believes we are already under world government. He discusses how the purpose of the vaccine mandate in education is to really create the pretext for a blockchain Digital ID which then expands to a Social Credit System. He explains how the shocking real purpose of the politically correct "woke" movement is to categorize everybody to make it easier for the AI machine learning to data mine us. Given the current environment, he sees homeschooling as the best option: