Sam Jacobs (lead writer at Ammo) talks about why he is optimistic in the face of current events and why everything is going swimmingly! As left-right distinctions break down post-Covid, we either have people who are for freedom or those actively hostile towards freedom. There is a growing resentment by specific groups against the other part of society who is free and capable of handling their freedom. Though his biggest concern at the moment is the vaccine mandate, he doesn't think it's going to end well, he sees power in the unions and a lot of popular resistance. He sees the implementation stage of The Great Reset as being an absolute, unmitigated, disaster. He believes there will be a giant wave of anti-Covid and anti-CRT Republicans who will be elected soon. He thinks emerging technologies (e.g. internet, solar power, blockchain) will make it difficult for The Powers To Be to get their way. He doesn't really see what success the Biden regime can point to, what's their "big win"? We discuss firearms and Sam believes one of the reasons America did not become like Canada or Australia over the course of the "pandemic" is because of the 2nd Amendment. We also cover parallel structures and economies: