James Kunstler returns to Geopolitics & Empire for an update on the "long emergency" and how the neo-Jacobin program is faring. He believes we are in the midst of a mass hysteria with the question being how to battle our way out of it. At the bottom of it all is the fact that techno-industrial economies have lost their mojo and are crashing, threatening to push us into a technological surveillance state. The cycle of politicians being able to get away with anything needs to be broken and the latest indictment by John Durham may contain seeds of hope. A very ugly struggle may ensue, which can include military conflict. He believes enough people will resist and put an end to the tyranny, that the techno-dystopia won't succeed because of energy restraints, though we will wake up to a different world which will include the collapse and contraction of cities: https://soundcloud.com/geopoliticsandempire/james-kunstler-there-will-be-revolt-against-the-neo-jacobin-program-well-see-the-end-of-this-230