The Time Taylor Welch And Chris Evans Saved My Life

You know that feeling when you're so tired even a 5-minute nap won't "do it" for you?
We've all had that feeling at one point or another, but I didn't realize how serious my problem was before I met Taylor, Chris, and the entire Traffic and Funnels Team as a client; then working behind the scenes with my teammates to experience that well-engineered "culture energy" first hand.
Super positive, mission-driven, and definitely electric.
They showed me this one thing that literally saved my life--- and I have the data to prove it.
Listen to my story, THEN buy their shit.
Buy ALL of their shit. Thank me later.

Click below for the episode link:
Much Love, Guys (and Team),
Oura ring guideline:
Creative Intelligence:
This podcast isn't just about just getting money; it's about living a fulfilling life - whether it's being successful at work, in your business, or building meaningful relationships with friends, family members, and your community.