Atheist Voicemails #21: Does Atheism Have a Bad Name?
These are messages left from atheists in different countries. Listen to their voicemails. And consider leaving your own message 🎤

The first speaker talks about religion being the cause of war. The second speaker mentions that people have a different reaction when you tell them you are an atheist. He advises being who you want to be and be true to your beliefs.

From Afghanistan, the third speaker shares his gratefulness to the founder of the Atheist Republic. It is painful for him not to be free in expressing himself since his country is dangerous to be an atheist. He continues to talk about how Islam is not a religion of peace.

Speaking from Mexico, Paco believes a peaceful and united world can only be achieved by putting our differences aside. We must never be silent.

The fifth speaker is from Saudi Arabia. He feels lonely as an atheist there.

From South Carolina, he shares how he feels towards labels. He thinks it is always best to get to know a person instead of relying on figuring the person out. Hate the belief, but not the believer.

The last speaker says he has the choice not to believe in God. He believes in being a good person without the belief of a God.

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