210 School Age Kids Dead in USA

According to the CDC's data, there are 210 School age kids, K-12 dead in the USA, with C19.

There is ONE pediatric Influenza death this season, and last season there were 198.

Sounds about right?

Why would we need to vaccinate children for C19 if it killed fewer kids than Asthma, Stroke or Drowning?
We don't vaccinate kids for Tuberculosis (GDB vaccine), so why would we vaccinate them for SARS-COV2? Ask your local hospital...
Ask your Congressman.

Ask them publicly on FaceBook and Twitter.

Ask why they won't talk to me, the man that broke the story that there aren't 10 people dead in Shanghai or Beijing.....

Source of Data: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#SexAndAge