Well instead of merely talking about geopolitics, domestic issues and cricket on the phone we thought we'd do it on youtube. After all, why not?

 No edits, all live on the first take and with nothing but a few words scribbled on a bit of paper for a script. If that.

 Hence you can expect incompetence, cock ups, forgetfulness and some banter. But also a completely different take on current affairs and geopolitics which we hope should make a great deal more sense than the moanstream media narrative which seeks to defend the existing order though critical theory and slander.

 Whilst the various strands of Red Pill thought mainly describe the interpersonal space we argue that this has already become deeply relevant to geopolitics and the economy; to relations between states and the conduct of states therein.

 If you've ever wondered why all the parties act the same, why Russia is blamed for everything or why the media hates Donald Trump then we might well be worth listening to.