People WANT to attach to your brand...

you just have to give them the chance to do so by being super open, responsive, and authentic. 

If you aren't - people will lose interest in what you're doing really quickly.

True story:

I helped launch a really huge company with good inentions one time that was uber mission-driven. Definitely life-changing content and the brand was SMOKIN.

The mission was so good that literally, people were dropping everything they were doing just to attach to the brand as employees, staff, volunteers, etc.

But that company eventually went out of business. 

They had good intentions but it ultimately failed miserably because they weren't as honest and transparent as they could've been from the very start.

The sad thing is this company isn't alone. I've seen this time after time, year after year.

Why is this?

Our dreams have a lot to do with success, but more often than not it's the owners' ego and lack of detachment from their businesses that prevents this from happening. 

These owners were just too close to the action to let their companies develop into what the people wanted, not the other way around. 

So their profit margins suffered and they closed their doors.

In BOTH cases people outside their businesses were willing to share their two most valuable assets in life to go all-in in both cases...

...their time and energy.

Yet the owners of these entities missed the boat. Now they're living in obscurity, talking about what they "could have done," "would have done," and "should have done."

Is that why you're in business or have a side hustle for yourself?

Do you want to leave something on this planet bigger than yourself?

We all want to build a great business, but many of us are missing the most important piece of the puzzle. 

And that's because we can't communicate clearly what our mission and vision is for what we're doing here and why we want to help others.

If we can't communicate or express why we do what we do, then how can anyone else be certain? 

That's why it's so critical to get our message out there in a way that people understand.

To make this happen, I've created this training program called "The Foundation." and it is going to help you get started with the right mindset around marketing and sales so that you can attract more customers than ever before while also building trust with them at every step along the way.

And because you're a member here, we get started later on today.

Thank you for your trust.  Thank you for your patience. 

Please message me directly with comments and feedback.  Your vision is super important and the world needs you out there.
