Hi! Welcome to our Page. oprainfall has taken an ad free stance in order to bring our readers content they want to see without any of the invasive ads! We are a volunteer site who relies on wonderful people like you to help keep us running. We have expenses like domain fees, monthly server fees and etc that we have to pay in order to keep our site running. We literally could not do what we do without our wonderful readers helping us out! 

We are a group of gamers who provide news, opinions, reviews, and when possible video content to our audience. We provide quality content and honest opinions at a time when it is so needed. 

We will be working on our offerings for each tier, and would actually love to hear what you all would like to see! Would you like to be able to request coverage of a specific game or series? Would you like access to write a guest editorial? Let us know and we will try our best to make it happen. 

We are working on expanding our anime coverage, so look forward to that as well!