Don't Miss Jude & Matt Chat Episode 4: Predictive Programming

Today we had a casual chat about the messages inserted into our daily content. If you're not a believer in predictive programming, you might want to consider the fact that the CIA have been involved in Hollywood essentially since its creation. Do you know how propaganda works? Do you know how advertisements get your attention? Some basic psychology will help you see through the matrix all around us; our movies, shows, films and even video games influence us in subtle ways we rarely acknowledge. 
It's time to see the world with new eyes. You may be shocked, sickened, and even angry to discover that the shadow corporations know full well what they're doing, and even brag about it through characters on our screen meant to be seen as fiction. It can be so overwhelming to wake up to, that some people give up music and movies entirely. These clues may seem innocently coincidental on their own, but as you back up you may realize there are far too many of them to be coincidence at all. 
  From V for Vendetta to The Legend of Korra, Matt and I touch on many examples of predictive programming and truths hidden in plain sight. We're both so shadowbanned it was difficult to get any questions to answer this week, but we made the best of it and hopefully inspired some research and conversations. It can be difficult to have this talk with people who refuse to accept the idea as though nothing in our world is sinister. This is cognitive dissonance. People can't come to terms with things they don't want to because it clashes to deeply with their idea of the truth. 
  1984 was a warning.