Reflections and Predictions 

 The year 2020 has been eventful and transformative for all of us. I don't know a single person who doesn't feel like this has been the wildest year of their lives, and if they exist they probably don't own a TV or have internet. I assume only those who have already escaped most of the systems we've been raised in and are living simpler than the majority go relatively unscathed by the twists and turns of this year.
  At the beginning of this year, as most of you know, I was still lost in depression, falling out of love with my job, guarding my heart in a relationship that wasn't best for me, and full of anger as well as confusion about the state of the world. Most of my life I have suffered from poor mental health. I read 1984 my Freshman year of high school, and knew a few people who used to talk about things like Bohemian Grove or who was really responsible for 9/11. I even knew a girl who said she'd been conceived in a cult ritual.
  Being so young, I didn't have the mental capacity to put the dots together. I was too focused on my own life and how disconnected I often felt. Were we really put on this Earth to be tagged with a number, get a job, pay taxes, procreate and die? Something about our systems felt so corrupt to me, even as a young adult, but I saw so few people questioning it. When I went searching for answers from people around me, I was usually met with a shrug and "that's just the way it is, life isn't fair and then you die." Everyone around me was consumed with...consumerism.
  That couldn't be it, I thought. It didn't feel right. I was weighed down with the misery of it all.
  My journey has required me to search inward. I've never really had too many stable relationships, being a child of divorce and going back and forth between two cities regularly as a kid made sure of that. The people I did choose to be around weren't positive, and yet I still wanted their attention. I gave up on a lot of things I loved. For a time, I didn't even journal because I was a) afraid of my own thoughts and b) afraid of someone else finding my thoughts. I used to write stories for fun growing up, and then began denying my own talents and creativity. "What's the point, in a world like this?" I'd say to myself.
  Most of my healing has occurred for me this year, and so the fact that I've publicly put music out (even if it's just a song or two) , opened an online business, and have chosen to consistently put my words out for thousands of people to see is huge for me. I've gotten so much good advice from the people I've met along the way about healing my inner child and embracing everything about myself including my mistakes, that I find myself capable of so many things I was afraid of or had given up on doing. I've done a lot of things this year almost entirely on my own, fueled by the emotional support of everyone I've met.
  So what now?
  At the beginning of this year I had an experience that a few years ago I would have hesitated to share. I may have written about it already, but since the recent headlines I've been seeing about the Galactic Federation I've been thinking about it again. Many people are skeptical about this recent news, and for understandable reasons. From Project Blue Beam (a false flag operation), to something called Yellow Book (the supposed history of aliens on Earth) there's much to consider when it comes to other beings and whether or not they exist. I myself am a believer, but I've noticed some are so skeptical they no longer believe in space, which is too far of a step for me, but again understandable.
  I feel like I had some kind of encounter at the beginning of this year with something I couldn't necessarily see, but could feel. If you're familiar with the prickly feeling you get when someone you can't see is staring at you, and multiply that by a hundred, that is how I felt suddenly in my apartment one evening. It was so strong I checked my whole apartment and resorted to curling up into a ball and crying. The presence was all around me at one point, and something in my mind said "THEY'RE COMING." I went as far as making a TikTok about it and just speaking about it made me emotional. It made me feel crazy but I had to tell people.
  Was this being warning me of events in my own life, like the amount of people that began to follow my journey, or something more? Ever since that encounter I've been catching up on the rabbit holes, rumors and conspiracy theories of the world as quickly as possible. Some people seem surprised I've been able to handle it, including myself. All I knew is I had to get ready, I had to absorb as much information as I could, even things that could be false, for perspectives sake. Many things I read up on "just in case." I've had to double back on some things and ask if any of it has been disinformation. Regardless, I wished to be prepared.
  The image I've attached is the map I ordered over the summer and keep on my wall. It contains a multitude of buzzwords that have inspired me to research and question our whole reality. While some people believe we are in some kind of flat Earth dome, in a Truman show like simulation, I don't necessarily subscribe to that narrative, but I'm not entirely closed off to it either. It almost wouldn't surprise me. However, I've always felt like there were more beings in the universe, and that they simply couldn't interact with us because we were going through a dark period of humanity. Lately I've had the feeling that that period is about to come to an end.
  I'm not the only one. Do a little searching on The Great Solar Flash and you'll find a number of interesting and fantastical predictions and prophesies. I've had many people suggest I revisit important parts of The Bible (like Genesis) as well as the Book of Enoch, both excellent recommendations. Many biblical events have occurred during certain kinds of planetary alignments like the ones we've experienced this year. More are on the way. The predictions I've been seeing are as follows:
1. The frequency of our planet is measured by something called the Schumann resonance, nicknamed the "heartbeat of mother Earth." An explosion of high frequency light coming from something called the Second Sun, or Hunab Ku by the Mayans will wash over our planet, causing another major shift in consciousness. It will be seen as a bright white light, and intensify the Earths resonance in a major way.
2. This change in frequency will effect our entire planet on a physical as well as spiritual level. There may be more seismic activity, volcanic activity, etc, and it's even said it will elevate humans who are open and ready to a more superhuman state, upgrading consciousness as well as DNA. I'm skeptical, but excited. After all, think of all of the films about superpowers, like X Men. Were they really just fiction, or are some of us meant to be superhuman?
3. Not everyone will be able to handle the incoming upgrades. Some will reject the light, get sick or get into some kind of accident. Lower dimensional beings like the reptilians will latch on to those who aren't ascending, but it is unlikely they will survive. There will therefore be a purge of negativity and evil, but it won't be pretty. The divide in our realities will deepen, and some people simply won't make it. Change is messy, especially on a global scale.
  4. The Rise and Fall of The Anti Christ is also predicted. I used to think it was Trump, but now my money's on Biden, who has tried his best to be the world's "buddy" as his agenda unravels and is revealed, tied in to Corona and false peace/unity. I could be wrong, but it's hard for me to see things any other way now knowing what I know. There are things to consider, like the Dems "battle for the soul of our nation" slogan on top of 2020/666=30330, aka Biden's text number. Strange coincidences they hope people brush off.
  5. There is still a rumor of power outages. I'm uncertain what kind of energy blast we will truly experience on the 21st, but our grid may go down soon regardless, if only to attempt to stop the narrative changing information from coming out. There will be more confusion, more denial, and a lot of shock amongst anyone who hasn't prepared for all of the above. I say be ready for anything; have a plan with your nearest loved ones (assuming they're awake) and have alternative forms of communication in mind.
  6. As our consciousness unites and begins to lean towards a more peaceful, mature reality, our old ways and systems will inevitably break down and be reset. There is meant to be a Great Reset either way, and the deep state/shadow government is pushing to be in charge of it, but that isn't destined to happen. Too many people have woken up already, and many more will reject evil and simplify their lives.
  7. It is said that true disclosure is coming. Mind blowing technology we thought only possible in science fiction is meant to be exposed, and is already being talked about. Free energy, teleportation and time travel are all phrases I've heard come up repeatedly. The Federal Reserve, which is basically the shadow government's mafia loaning system, will be destroyed. Things we never thought possible will be coming out in the following years, including beings from other planets.
  We might very well be already living in a Men in Black like reality, and while some people believe aliens are made up as a distraction, I'm not so sure. I get the feeling that we really have been prepared for a big step for our species, especially this year. The invisible visitor from earlier this year didn't exactly give me a date, and "soon" is a relative term, but I strongly believe it was more in reference to the beings we will inevitably be introduced to. Humanity might freak. It's rumored that the government has kept ETs from us out of fear of "mass hysteria," and while I can see their point, I also believe it needs to happen soon like a bandaid that needs to be ripped off.
  Just do it already, so that we can start working on getting past it!
  While I'm skeptical about a lot of things, my own personal experiences and intuition tell me we are in fact headed towards a Golden Age, but the transition will be rough. I don't believe it'll happen all at once. Some of us are already aware of being lightworkers, Indigo Children, or Starseeds and have been experiencing ascension symptoms for some time now. I've been experiencing frequent ear ringing and vivid dreams myself, as well as a shift in energy to a more personal state focused on keeping my thoughts positive and loving. This is the only way I'll be ready, and I look forward to this supposed flash with near giddiness. It might be just like any other day, but it might not. Maybe the sun will just seem really bright that day, and the changes will be more subtle over time. 
  These are all things I used to feel "crazy" for talking about but now nothing seems off limits! 2020 has been extremely eye opening and the closer we get to the end of this year, the more determined I feel to stay in my own lane and pray this is truly it. Our focus has to be on peace, silver linings, and celebrating the downfall of evil. Our new reality will be full of creativity, mindfulness, harmony and joy. Some of us may even become Christ like, miracle abilities and all. I believe we are capable and meant to do amazing things. 
  We are all here in this timeline for a reason, and I believe more of us know and will know that reason in the following weeks. I feel positive we are working towards creating a reality that is like Heaven on Earth, but the order of events is still unclear to me. It's hard not to be skeptical or suspicious of things until we truly know. There will be many attempts to distract and cause fear or panic from the ones who have enslaved us for so long, but rest assured we are destined to break free from their hold on us! 
  Keep on keepin' on, and remember that gratitude is the highest vibration we can live in. You never know what could happen, so we must appreciate each moment and care for ourselves so that we can care for others. I will continue to send out positive reminders in the next few weeks. I love you all!