Positive Affirmations and The Power of Words

  Let's face it: 2020 has been a stressful, life changing mind f*ck of a year. It's opened my eyes to the sinister ways of the ruling class and how they program us through music, movies, advertisements and news. It's everywhere, just like in They Live, hidden in plain sight. You just have to have that 2020 vision to see it. 
  I've had to be very careful about where I put my energy, especially lately. There's a lot of negativity out there, and it can be hard not to let it get to you sometimes, especially if you're already feeling down. In the past, I've struggled with my mental health and went through some very dark times in which I was so turned around and stuck I just wanted it all to end. 
  This year has shown me that one of the biggest reasons I've had trouble surviving in this world is because it's not designed for empathic clairesentient people like myself, it's designed for demons with no souls full of greed. We're brainwashed and indoctrinated to buy, consume, and repeat mainstream garbage like Agent Smith, protecting a matrix we don't even understand. We're fed food full of chemicals that make us sick, so we can buy the cure from the very people making us sick. It's a horrible web of lies, deception and manipulation. 
  From the very time we're born we're raised to be slaves to this system. 
  As bleak as that may sound, I was actually relieved to finally understand it all. I'm relieved more people are talking about it. The confirmation of the true nature of this reality has brought me a strange sense of peace. All along I wasn't crazy questioning the world and how wrong it seemed. It really isn't meant to be like this, and we can make it better just by shining our light as strongly as we can into the darkness. It's so important to fully understand that everything you need is inside you; your divine spark and connection to God is with you at all times. 
  So if we live in a backwards world that brainwashes and poisons you, how can you combat that? On my personal journey, I've come to terms with the fact that it won't undo itself all at once, and consistent work is the key to rewiring my brain. I rarely drink alcohol (I think I can count the amount of drinks I've had this year on one hand) I drink a lot of water (soda is a rare treat if ever) and I do my best to use natural products like flouride free toothpaste and aluminum free deodorant. I have to watch my caffeine intake as it seems I'm more sensitive to it than others. Things like that. 
  But that's not where the work stops. Eating more consciously and being more careful about the products that you use is one thing (and it's not always going to be 100% possible), but changing your thoughts is another. It all starts with you. Loving yourself is true freedom, and sometimes it's the hardest thing to do. Looking back I know that's one of the biggest reasons I was full of hate and anger. I even had to let negative people in my life fall away, and I consider it a blessing because it cleansed my space to grow for me. 
  That's where meditation and positive affirmations come in. These things can feel silly when you first start out, but the more you practice the easier it'll be. If our brain believes everything we tell it, we have to practice telling it nice things. We have to practice being present, and not resisting the flow of the universe. Affirmations are positive statements of things as if they already are, like:
  I am enough
  I forgive myself 
  All I need is within me now. 
  Forgiveness is the best medicine for my heart. 
  I reject fear
  I trust that everything is happening for a reason and my own good, well being and happiness
  I radiate love and positivity and it is reflected back to me
  I learn the right things at the right time 
  Follow moonomens and soulguidance on Instagram for some inspiration! Lately their messages have really resonated with me and helped me focus on gratitude, self love, and healing. I highly recommend keeping a journal just to write these things down on a semi regular basis, even making the ones you need the most a more permanent fixture like on a poster or a sign. 
  I used to think a lot of those cheesy motivational phrases were ridiculous or meaningless, until I learned more about brainwashing and mental programming. If this can be done in a negative way, then it means the opposite can also be done. It essentially means the Placebo effect is a real mental mind trick to convince your body and soul of something you repeat to yourself until you believe. Evidently this can also be used to help heal you physically, and you may heal faster the more you tell yourself something like "I am feeling better all the time" or "I am healthy." 
  Words are powerful. There's a reason that spells and incantations work for the people that cast them, and that's because they genuinely believe in what they're doing. So too must you believe in yourself. 
  You deserve happiness
  You deserve love
  You deserve a safe place to live
  You deserve good things
  Some people may struggle with believing these things. I know I used to. I was basically suicidal for about a decade straight. I tried therapy, I tried pills, and I still medicate with cannabis when I'm feeling particularly overwhelmed, but on my journey I have discovered that the true cure is within my heart, and has been all along. 
  Sometimes I think poor mental health is simply an imbalance of the soul. It's the inability to let negativity go and cast out hatred. If you don't consciously work on yourself, you may not know how or feel like it's possible to feel happy. I'm talking about long term poor mental health, nothing like grief or natural sadness. It's perfectly okay to feel sad and let out your emotions when you need to. In fact, it's unhealthy to bottle them up. 
  But we have to ask ourselves if we're expressing ourselves in a healthy way. I've had to practice talking to myself like a parent to a child when I'm feeling upset/triggered. Why? My reactions tend to be a reflection on myself, and I caught myself feeling anxious and doubting myself just today when I decided to voice an opinion on a controversial topic. Why, when I've already faced so many fears and become a Trump supporter when that used to be the last thing I thought I would do, would I suddenly feel anxious about voicing an opinion? 
  I decided it was coming from a place of fear of the backlash I might receive. I'm not used to having a platform. But do I have a problem making a public apology? Absolutely not. The fact that I'm concerned whether I'm right or wrong and am willing to admit it either way should speak for itself. I've taken on a lot the last few months, I know I need to be gentle with myself. 
  I'm my own worst enemy sometimes, how about you? 
  This is a critical time to watch mental health. I want to continue to be a light of positivity for people, so perhaps I also hesitated getting involved in something potentially really negative. I just care a lot about people being lied to as someone who just got out of a long relationship that started with a lot of lies. No one wants to be lied to anymore, but especially people who have been lied to within their personal relationships. 
  I've been experimenting with different frequencies during meditations (here is a playlist) that last anywhere from ten minutes to an hour depending on how I'm feeling. Sometimes I cry it out, sometimes I just breathe, but I search for positive messages online and within myself from my guides. I've said it before, but the meditation I had over the summer...changed me. I felt an overwhelming presence as I begged for my anger and hatred to be removed, and sobbed as I felt it leave. 
  It felt like God. 
  I know my opinions on Jesus and God are also controversial at times, but know that I'm baptized and I have a sense of true knowing I've never had before. I'm interested in interdimensional beings and the true nature of angels and demons, as well as the mysterious things ancient cultures have drawn and told stories about. Regardless, I know that God is within me and in everything around me. Evil may exist because in a way, it has to, but I know that our souls are on an infinite journey, and ultimately God does win. 
  Every day truly is a gift we must learn to appreciate. I for one find so many reasons to get up in the morning, especially since all of you found me and supported me, that the negative aspect of the occasional troll or even family drama just doesn't phase me the way it used to. A lot of things simply don't bother me the way they used to. I tell myself all the time I reject energy that isn't mine, and I only welcome beings of light around me. The more I tell myself this the more I feel it.
  For anyone feeling down, lost, discouraged, depressed or confused my heart is with you. This has been a really overwhelming year and some people have experienced loss they have every. right to mourn. But I'm one of those people that finally understands that everything happens for a reason. I am humbled by the things in my life that have taught me valuable lessons and made me stronger. I understand so many things I just didn't before this year, and I think if someone like me who was so lost in anger and questioning God can turn it all around then there is hope for more to do the same. 
  It's been wonderful to witness so many people banding together in positivity and love. As I said, I hope to continue to be a beacon of light and sometimes that means reserving energy to reprogram myself if I ever catch myself slipping or I'm going through a vulnerable time like I have been recently. It is possible. Every one of you deserves to believe you're a beautiful person who is strong enough, and not just be told, but know it in your heart and when you look into the mirror. I wish it for as many people as possible, especially the people lost in self loathing and misery right now. 
  And I used to think thoughts and prayers were meaningless...I was completely wrong. Mind power is real, and it's something we have to remember when we decide what to engage in, especially right now. I encourage everyone to catch themselves if they're feeling stressed and analyze their feelings on top of praying, meditating, and otherwise doing something that feels more spiritually rewarding, such as being creative. I often feel stressed about not creating enough, but I've needed time to care for my heart to ensure I'm not letting any of my hurt dictate how I see the world. I don't have to let it get to me, I can use it and consider it a learning experience.
  We can't forget to laugh, find things to be grateful for, and look for the silver lining in every situation. So many things we might see as impossible on a bad day are simply a puzzle to solve. I have high hopes that a second Trump administration will happen, despite the medias insistence that it won't. We know they don't call the shots, and we know that Sydney Powell is doing everything in her power to make sure the case can be proven in court, likely the Supreme Court. The countdown has begun, and since I don't know enough about legal processes to express any kind of impatience, I'd rather Sydney hold on to what she needed to for court. I can wait. 
We can't give up now! Growth can be as complicated as the legal process, or as simple as repeating the same phrases to ourselves over and over until we believe them. If molecules of water can be changed with energy, plants react to music, and the placebo effect often works on those who believe in it, I have no doubt we all have the ability to reprogram ourselves and protect our minds against negativity and evil. The more people that wake up to this realization and begin practicing to love themselves as well as others, the better, regardless of what happens politically in the next few months. The spiritual war will be won.