If you've stumbled upon this SubscribeStar account, welcome! I'm still figuring out how everything works (even as I type I'm just now finding out how to make certain posts visible to certain Tiers) and consider this whole thing a work in progress!

I will in due time make a welcome video and upload it here.

I will come up with more Tiers over the course of time and be sure they are worth it to the subscriber. Right now I have a Casual Fan's Tier for just that, the casual fan that happens to like an article or two of mine, or a video or two. You might have seen my work on A Voice For Men, or seen some men's issues-related video somewhere on Youtube or on my Bitchute channel. Or, you've heard some of my music once and thought it was neat! Or, you believe in me much more than just casually but genuinely only can contribute $1 - which I 100% understand. Your own financial needs come first!

The Supporter's Tier is for the more-than-casual supporter. You probably really believe in my work and want to play a small part in giving me incentive and encouragement to keep making material! Or you really like my music, think I've something good going on, and are curious about hearing new, fresh material like that. You will be textually credited and thanked in any notes I include on my music releases.

For the time being I'm doing my best to make the subscriptions affordable as possible for you, hence the price of $1 for being a casual subscriber (you have my thanks!) and the price of $4 to have you credited and thanked textually at the end of any videos I would make from this point onward.

I have some exciting ideas for other, higher Tiers for the future, just hope they work as well as I hope!

Expect more content from me! -V