
Feed lot: a plot of land on which livestock are fattened for market.

What is the purpose of a feed lot? To make money.

The owner of the feed lot wants to extract the maximum monetary value possible from the animals, in the minimum amount of time, at the lowest cost posible.

How do they do this? By providing the animals with the minimum amount of comfort, nutrition, living space, and medication possible; all at the lowest cost possible.

What does this have to do with humans? Well, think about the state of large urban centers today. What do these communities do? They aggregate large numbers of humans in a small surface area, where the humans are fed the lowest quality food possible (processed carbohydrates); they get the bare minimum amount of medication required to keep them functional, alive (not healthy), and paying taxes.

Now, with home delivery, the amount of space that each of these humans occupies is near smallest possible.

These FeedLotHumans are near immobile, because they're fat; just like feed lot animals, they don't need to move in order to forage or gather any resources, because the food and goods get delivered to their apartments, the waste (including trash) gets taken away; they earn money by working over the internet; and they self-medicate just well enough to not die.

FeedLotHumans are the perfect cattle; to be exploited for the highest profits possible, and for political gain.

FeedLotHumans all get the same education, they all read the same books, they all consume the same news, all see the same movies, play the same games over the internet, listen to the same music. They all have the same knowledge in their heads, thus they are all worth the same, all are equal; they all have an individual intelectual worth of near zero market value.