Studies conducted on rhesus negative blood types show that they are missing the Rhesus factor. This is a protein substance present in the red blood cells of other humans. Some theories suggest that ancestors of people with Rhesus (RH) negative blood may be from outside this world. Others believe these are gene carriers of the fallen angels from the heavens above, the infamous Nephilim. Others claim they belong to an alien race from somewhere in space, like the Anunaki.

What is clear is that those who have with Rhesus (RH) negative blood are different and unique. A person who has RH negative O blood can serve as a donor to any person regardless of their blood type. But if they need blood, only their type will suffice. Humans with RH negative blood types represent less than 15% of the human race. The four common blood types of today include A, B, AB, and O.

When an Rh-negative woman is pregnant with a child that is Rh-positive, her immune system creates protective anti-bodies to the Rh-Positive blood. Her blood essentially becomes toxic to the child. To some people, this looks like the mother’s body is rejecting the baby. This leads them to suggest that the reason for the rejection is incompatibility based on the mother and child being of different species. At least five of the last six USA presidents carry an RH negative blood type.