New Trick: Web Sockets!

Not long ago I decided to switch all of my chat platforms over to a simple web socket setup and away from Google's real time database.  The reason was that the 'real time' part actually wasn't and there was no way to get an accurate count of users on the system.

Now it's simple, when someone connects or disconnects to my socket I send out the user count to everyone subscribed.  Messages are filtered and relayed instantly, I can let people know that someone is typing and on and on.  Web sockets are amazing!

But even better, I want to share what I put together for myself so I could moderate the chats and notify myself of events like 'user clicked on ad'.  This is my AppleTV (below)

Rogue Traveler is not yet set up on the web socket which is why it doesn't have a count but the other 5 are.  From here I can pick a user's name with my remote and warn, reward or ban them from the chat.  I can also delete messages.  So basically I can moderate all of my chats from my couch.

The chats themselves are more active at night but as you can see the ad clicks are coming through nicely.  This happens to be just after a scheduled notification was sent out inviting all of my users to join the chat while watching a hyped ghost show on the Travel Channel.

Notifications are POWER!  It's worth your time to research and come up with a notification strategy for the next month and schedule those things at the same time you schedule your pricing cycle.

My goal for this simple app is to have my TV sound like a Vegas casino!  So this week I am going to refine my notification plan for all of my apps for the next month, add the web socket to more apps even if they don't include a chat and build out the schedules for next month.

Have a great weekend!