Price fluctuation results

 The end of the year is approaching and I’ve had some crazy results in my pricing experiment.  I already told you that I was getting paid downloads, but check out these graphs:
The first one is the number of downloads per day, the second is paid downloads.  Notice the spikes in downloads when the app goes free, and the smaller spikes in paid downloads when the app is not free.  This date range represents 2.19k downloads total and $101 in paid downloads across all of my apps in the App Store.

 I’m going to increase the frequency of my price changes after the new year to see how it affects this pattern.  I would expect more downloads overall but I’m now not sure what will happen to the paid downloads.  For this experiment I am setting the paid days to Mondays and Thursdays only.  It should be interesting.

 As you probably guessed in the last section, I have been slacking off on my push notifications and badging for my apps.  I believe that if I had kept that going my paid downloads may have increased simply because it would have kept more users engaged.

 If I had to guess why the paid downloads are happening, I would say it is due to the number of recent “free download” users telling their friends about the app when it is no longer free.  So switching to a pricing cycle that takes into account the three day spike for free downloads as well as the spike for paid downloads could increase the paid downloads.

 Keep in mind that I’m making Monday and Thursday my paid days for this next experiment.  It’s very possible that rotating the days, while keeping the same interval, could produce much different results.  There are seven days in a week, so this could run as a seven month experiment.  For now I’m going to see how the first two weeks go before committing to something that long term.

 Remember, at this point in time I’m putting $100 per month at risk because that is what my apps are earning in paid downloads with the current pricing cycle.  The advertising income is not at risk because it is not going to change.