Firebase paid features

 If you are making changes to your apps as you are reading along you probably know that Firebase has a limit of 5 apps before you have to pay.  What I’ve discovered is that if you request more apps, specifically for use with AdMob you can get more added to your account for free.  If you are going to use the services like Functions, DataStore, etc. then at some point you will probably have to pay which is fair.  I typically build anything valuable to my applications on my own server so I am in control of the data and it's availability.

 The one time I tried to use the Firebase storage to allow GhostTalk users to upload photos, I nearly maxed out the storage in my testing and once it went live it only took a few photos from users to push it over the edge and the service stopped working with no warning which made my app appear broken.  Since storage is so very cheap ($5/100GB on Digital Ocean) it’s much better for me and my users if I handle that type of thing for myself.  Plus, I can add services like Azure image scanning to help in moderation of user posted images, storing images without public access, adding temporary symlinks for access etc.