Hey gang,

Long time no talk. Sorry about that.

I'm not big on new years resolutions, but the one I've made is that I need to start being active here more.

This year is going to be big, so I'm going to leave a road map here so that you all can follow along with my progress.

So to begin with, I'm doing 3 conventions this year: PewPeeps Expo, April 19-21 Anime Onsen, May 3-5 Denver Fan Ex, July 4-7

Which means that over tge next few months I'm going to be doing a lot of physical items. One of these will be a "ART OF 2023" zine. I think it would be cool af to have an image and a bit of backstory for each. :) these will be on sale in person and on my Etsy shop hopefully end of March. Subscribestar supporters will get first dibs before the listing goes live, and i will sign each one. Attached is a WIP of a 36" tall Hollow which will adorn my tables at each con, with some text underneath. :)

I am also going to be redoubling my presence as a vtuber rigger. I will have all models finished no later than February that are currently in my queue. This includes one for Puni bon and another client

Lastly, as I am a believer in putting my money where my mouth is, there are a couple of projects I'm looking to try and start. They're a ways off yet, but I firmly believe that now is the time to start trying to get new IPs out there. The first will be a comic featuring Hollow, which I've begun work on. The second is potential game featuring Latte in the vein of DMC or Code: Vein. You can see my concept art for her model down below as well. I'm trying to learn c++ for it.

Lastly! I am looking to incorporate officially as Hollow Point Media between now and March. I don't know if I've got what it takes to be a "business" yet, but I truly feel like now is the proper time.

Until next time!