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Ban The Internet
Ban The Internet
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  • This page is dedicated to suppression of the Internet in particular and Free Speech in general.
  • Ban The Internet promises to do all in it's power to persuade, cajole and embarrass those in authority to comply with the wishes of allsensible people around the world. We have had enough of the internet.
  • The time to act is now. Please give what you can.

Ban The Internet

Help with Free speech Suppression.

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Ban The Internet
Public post

The internet has got out of hand. There are people sharing opinions, news, educational and self-help material, creative works, providing solutions, advice, ideas and so many other things. There is a growing awareness that this is starting to upset certain people, and we all know deep down that our leaders know better than we do. Government is obviously the answer to all our woes. We don't need any evidence of this- it's just Common Sense.

For millennia, man has dreamed of living in a utopia where everyone knows their place in the world. No-one needs to live their lives questioning their value to society. We're all equal and don't need to lift a finger to prove it. It's just self evident. Other People are to blame for our woes.

The time for that utopia is now. How do we know that? Because it says it in the newspapers and on TV. Politicians and multinational corporations are saying it. The time is ripe for a Peoples Suppression Revolution.

Gone are the days when we need to expend the terrible effort it takes to think for ourselves. Everything we need is provided for us by the established order.

Please will you help us in our fight to end Free Speech?

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to reach
the Goal
Seánie is looking to build a consensus across the world for the suppression of Free Speech and bring an end to the internet. You can play your part of this fight. Seánie will spread the message of suppression as long as he has breath left. Obviously when the internet goes down, different means of communication will be necessary. Old ways are better.

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  • Ability to support your Star by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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