Pauls Colorado photography profile
Pauls Colorado photography
Pauls Colorado photography
Fine Art landscape photographer from Colorado. Specializing in the grandeur of the Rockies, the night skies and event photography
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The most affordable tier

big thumbs up from me. Access to exclusive content and BTS when they become available (monthly and weekly content)

1 subscriber SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
per month
The second most affordable

get a virtual hug from me as well as a thumbs up. Exclusive content and regular BTS (Behind the Scenes) when they become available (weekly and monthly). Also discounts on any item I might have for sale

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
per month
$15 a month You are awesome

get a virtual hug from me as well as a thumbs up. Exclusive content and regular BTS (Behind the Scenes) when they become available (weekly and monthly). Also higher discounts than lower tiers on any item I might have for sale. Plus personal critiques of any of your chosen photos that you have taken

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $15.00 tier
per month
$50 You are the best

Everything from previous tiers plus monthly chat hangouts of all members of this tier with me, up to one hour, Any questions you have I will answer. Access to free tutorials and one free one-on-one lesson per month

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $50.00 tier
per month
The High Rollers

Gee you really love the work I do that much? This gives you everything in lower tiers. Plus regular contributors will gain access to any workshop or photo tour (of your choosing) I might hold throughout the year. As well as free calendars and/or books of your choice as I release them.

In order to gain full access to my workshops/photo tours you must be a regular contributor, at least 5 months. Anything shorter will receive discounts on the workshops. How many months minus the minimum 5 you contribute will be your discount.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $100.00 tier


  • exclusive content, personal communications and private lessons

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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