Not So Obvious profile
Not So Obvious
Not So Obvious
My name is Mark, also known as Not So Obvious. I produce a weekly podcast on Youtube called Fake Accents Unite as well as topical videos and streams, and guesting alongside other youtubers such as The Academic Agent, The Britisher, Sargon of Akkad and MauLer.

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Culture War Soldier

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Culture War Officer

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Culture War Afficionado

I'm worth more than a weekly coffee! Name featured on edited content AND a personalised thank you from me.

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Culture War Baron

You've gone far beyond anything I thought you would contribute. My sincerest thanks.

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All rewards, plus a chat any time

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The Halsey Gold Standard

You're the gold standard, the best of the best, welcome to come on a stream or have a video made on a topic of your choice

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  • Access to my discord server and ranking within
  • Name in the credits
  • Open invite to chat about content and other topics
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