NikachuMTG profile
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Subscription Tiers

per month
Lord of Atlantis

Thank you for joining the school! You're the kind of viewer that wants to take their game to the next level.

At this level you have access to the Merfolk Strategy Guide and access to the exclusive Discord Channel

Additionally, you also have voting rights as to what archetype you would like to see next in the Merfolk Strategy Guide.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
per month
Master of Waves

You want to be a MASTER! You've deemed my channel valuable to your growth and development as a player!

At this level you have access to all prior tier rewards.

You will also have access to a private live lecture each month that will enhance your understanding of Merfolk and MTG at a competitive level. Lectures are followed up with a Q&A. Replays will be available in an archive.

Lastly, I will mail to you a (one time) signed Master of Waves elemental token and Island as a token of my appreciation! Thank you so much!

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
per month
Thassa, God of the Sea

WOW! You're a God amongst Merfolk!

At this level you have access to all prior tier rewards.

Additionally I'll send you a signed Master of Waves Elemental Token and Custom Designed full art island every month! Thank you for being amazing!

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $25.00 tier


  • Nikachu wants you to become a master!

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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