Martin Geddes profile
Martin Geddes
Martin Geddes
Sabre-toothed typist.

Subscription Tiers

per month
Ten bucks is brilliant

And I appreciate it very much

36 subscribers
per month
Twenty bucks is very generous

And really helps with my expenses.

13 subscribers
per month
Fifty bucks is fabulous

And makes a big difference to me.

6 subscribers
per month
A hundred bucks is huge

And gives me a bit of safety that I lacked

1 subscriber
per month
Two fifty bucks is a LOT of money

And if you can afford it, I promise to turn it into benevolent acts in the world.

3 subscribers


  • The nature of my work on crime and corruption means I like to make everything I do public and free to access. Your financial support enables that to happen. I also produce free photo art as part of the "war effort", and welcome support for that endeavour.
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