Mad Matt Inc. profile
Mad Matt Inc.
Mad Matt Inc.
Hello, I'm Mad Matt. I've worked on and off of YouTube for years, and currently work on Let's Plays, Reviews, and Music Remixes.

Subscription Tiers

per month

Thanks for joining in and donating! Not only do you get your name on the front of videos, but you also get to join in on the Let's Play votes every time we're running out of currently requested games!

0 subscribers
per month

Thank you so much! Due to how much you enjoy my work you get boosted up, and not only get the goodies $1 got, but also join in on the movie votes when a Monthly review is not planed for!

0 subscribers
per month
Super Subscriber

Thank you so much for helping out. At this level you get everything listed before, plus join in my Discord, and I'll start planing out monthly votes for music remixes!

0 subscribers
per month
Content Lover

Wow that a jump. You get everything listed before this, along with getting to request a CD of my Remix Music. Anything you want as long as it fits on the disk!

0 subscribers
per month

I am almost sure no one will join this but one can dream. If you are super crazy and want to help out a lot, here we are! Along with everything from before, I will also set aside a weekly time to join these subs on a Multiplayer game of their choice!

0 subscribers
per month

AGAIN I doubt any one will hit this, but one can dream. Everything listed before, plus extra opening credit page for only subs at this level, and we'll look into doing something special like a signed title card or a second special CD. Your choice!

0 subscribers


  • Vote in on projects I'm working on, get credit for helping me out, and even some extra goodies.

Star Stats

12 posts


to reach
the Goal
The Return of the Ghost Rider Vlog! Bring back the Ghost Rider Vlog series this time to a weekly release, and start covering the next series of books featuring Danny Ketch!
to reach
the Goal
He-Man Vlog Review Series! Going back to the beginning and reviewing the original 1980's TV series, and everything that fallowed. At this goal, I should finally be able to afford parts of the series I don't yet own.
to reach
the Goal
Partially Independent! At this much I can start to fix up my home furnishings as well as to start affording better equipment for the shows! Better cameras, stronger computers, the works!
to reach
the Goal
Independent! At this goal I no longer need to look for a normal day job, and should hopefully make enough to set aside for taxes and other things.

Other stars

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