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Displaying posts with tag LeakyGut.Reset Filter
Kindling Dreams
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Although I normally ignore invites to different natural health Facebook groups, I recently accepted an invite. 
One thing I have observed, not only in this groups, but among all who use 'natural remedies.' 
Oftentimes, rather than 'addressing the underlying cause,' they are still doing the same thing the doctors are doing, except with a variety of herbs. 

Got a headache, take this herb.
Got a rash, take this herb.
Anxious, take this herb. 
 The PRINCIPLE is the same as pill popping. 
 Where is the mindset of RESOLVING the underlying issue? 
Things to consider when trying to resolve the underlying issue: 
Are you following God's health laws?
Nutrition - whole-food, plant-based
Water - half of your body weight in ounces
Temperance - self-control in all things
Trust in Divine Power
This is the foundation no matter the cause. Once you have the proper foundation, then you can put up the walls and ceiling. 
Wall 1: Detox
Wall 2: Assess for food/chemical sensitivities
Wall 3: Supplement for nutritional deficiencies
Wall 4: Deal with emotional issues
Ceiling: Walk in obedience to ALL of God's Laws (Health and moral)
 I think the most common avoidance in people who have health issues is assessing for sensitivities. They do not want to have to remove their favorite foods. However, if you ignore this very important part, it's as if you are simply tossing thimbles of water onto a fire without discovering the source of the flames. 
 I used an illustration with the family I was helping yesterday. 
A water faucet is running. Water represents the toxin exposures. A slow stream is those toxins we cannot avoid. It is no problem. It drains readily. 

However, sometimes the flow amps up due to eating foods we react to or that are unhealthy. It could amp up because we are eating a diet of food-like products rather than real ingredients. We could be using items like drugs/alcohol. We could be drinking sodas and eating a bunch of sugar/meat. 
 Other lifestyle choices that could amp up the toxins or slow the draining could be not getting enough sleep, or enough sunshine. It could be living a high stress life. Being too busy and not relaxing. It could be slathering on personal care products that have carcinogens in them. It could be allowing ourselves/our children be !nj3ct3d by p0!s0ns in the name of 'health.' 
Then the drain gets clogged. By our own choices. 

Then the sink overflows with symptoms. 
Some may use a remedy here and there to keep the water overflowing, but they still don't turn down the flow of water or unstop the sink. 
It's like using a thimble to bail out the water. 

Two things need to happen. 
1. Turn down the flow.
2. Unstop the drain. 

Part of the high flow level could be the consumption of food intolerances. Or chemical sensitivities. And/or nutritional deficiencies. Or mold exposure. Or high EMF exposure. Or parasite overload. Or infections like Lyme disease. 
Something is causing the inflammation, leading to the pain. 
Addressing this is vital before you keep trying to use another thimble to bail out the water.
Until the underlying cause is addressed, that sink is going to continue to overflow and symptoms are going to continue unabated. 

Whether you throw a prescription pill at the overflow symptom or an herbal remedy, it does not resolve the underlying cause until yo turn down the water (stop the cause of inflammation) and open the drain (detox). 
 A good place to stop is to eliminate the items in your life that create leaky gut. Then detox. Supplement for nutritional deficiencies. AND heal the gut. 

God promises healing as we walk in obedience to all of His laws (health and moral). 
Something to think about. 
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Kindling Dreams

Leaky GutWhat causes it?What are the Symptoms?How to fix it?

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