Grace Bible Church profile
Grace Bible Church
Grace Bible Church
Grace Bible Church is producing theological content, debates, and information affecting modern Christianity. Follow us on and

Subscription Tiers

per month
Basic Supporter

Basic supporters get information first hand and earlier than on our social media pages, youtube pages, etc.

0 subscribers
per month
Missions Supporter

Members of this tier help us to support missionaries all around the world. We appreciate your subscriptions and you can take solace knowing this income is used to help spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

0 subscribers
per month
Bus Ministry

Members of this tier, help to offset the cost of operation and the expansion of our bus ministry. Coupled with door to door evangelism, soul winning, public community events, et al, we are able to reach more and more folks in the community for Jesus Christ. We are also already considering the purchase of a second bus, which will cost another 45,000 approximately. Your subscriptions help us to offset these cost and ensure the buses continue to roll. Only a limited amount of memberships in this tier are available, so subscribe today!

Limited (0 out of 99) subscriptions
per month

This tier allows you to take full advantage of our seminary courses from the bible. Compiled from the Bachelor to Doctoral level, you will be able to, for a very low and reasonable monthly subscription, be able to take advantage of a full theological education, without the high cost and having to move to a traditional school. All courses are 100% online and taught by qualified instructors.

If you have ever wanted to get an IN DEPTH biblical education at a fraction of a fraction of the normal cost, then THIS is your option. Once you subscribe, send an email to [email protected] with the subject "Seminarian Subscriber". Include your name, address and phone number, and make sure you use the same information as when you subscribe so we can contact you and set up your account. Normally, going through 5 years of seminary material would cost one in the area of 75,000, however you can have access to ALL that material now, for ONLY....35 / mo. Note: There are a LIMITED amount of subscriptions allowed in this tier. NOTE 2: All courses are audited WITHOUT credit. If you are interested in a fully accredited opportunity, contact us once you subscribe and we will work out the details with you.

Limited (0 out of 250) subscriptions


  • We are expanding! As such, we are looking to raise 275,000 over the next year to help complete the purchase of the building. We have already raised 250k ourselves, and are asking all of you to share this great content with your friends, and on social media to help us in reaching this pivotal goal.
  • Our missions fund is also being funded here, so helping us, helps to support missionaries the world round. Help us to help others who faithfully proclaim and preach the Gospel of the Grace of God to a lost and dying world.
  • We at GBC use a good old fashioned method of door to door evangelism and church growth--the bus ministry. Bus ministry includes many cost, and your subscription helps us to offset that cost. On average each year, the bus ministry cost us about 8,300 or so to operate. Right now, we have budgeted for 7500 towards the bus ministry. Your subscriptions help us to fill the gap here and ensure that the bus rolls on. God bless you for your ministerial assistance!
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