DuskQuill Team profile
DuskQuill Team
DuskQuill Team
Indie creators of tabletop games, comics, and maybe more! Only one man so far, but hoping to expand. Also hosts a monthly youtube showcase of indie tabletop creators

Планы подписки

в месяц
Hopeful Contributer

That extra mile given. New rewards unlocked, such as a whole chat to themselves on the discord and being able to give criticisms on projects.

0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
в месяц
Great Contributor

Giving more than one can ask. Another reward unlocked to be able to have private chats with the head of the Team when he has the time.

0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $15.00 tier
в месяц
Best Contributor

The pinnacle of donating. Chance of discord moddem as well as being able to play tabletops and games with the head of the team.

0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $20.00 tier
в месяц
Quid Pro Quo Contributor

Someone is looking for possibly a bit more substance from their donation. Not only do you get the benefits of previous tiers, but you also get to ask for a piece of official writing, of whatever you wish, from the team head. This can include short stories, backstories for characters, and so on. Patreons of this tier can also see promotions for their own works.

0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $100.00 tier


  • Access to higher levels of the community Discord
  • Chances to change aspects of games, and see comic pages early
  • Possibility to even play games with the Team leader
DuskQuill Team
Публичный пост
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DuskQuill Team
Публичный пост

First public post on Subscribe Star! Decided I've gone far too long in not diversifying into multiple places on the internet for my creative works. Now I am live on Discord, Youtube, BitChute, Patreon, and Subscribe Star!

Things are a bit unstable as things are being updated as I go along, but I am still working as diligently as I can, so bare with me.

If you like tabletop games, comics, and most things nerdy and entertaining, then this is a the Team for you! Help support us and we'll show you what we're made of.

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  • Доступ к контенту на этой странице.
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  • Возможность общаться напрямую с автором контента через чат на сайте.


2 поста


до достижения
этой Цели
At this stage, there will be a weekly or bi-monthly podcast-style series of update videos. Here the team head will make videos for YouTube/BitChute to give updates about works in the projects as well as read and answer questions from Contributors, levels Hopeful and up. It will be more presentable than site updates
до достижения
этой Цели
More hangout opportunities become available. Personal time with randomly selected patrons results in either private chats or playing games together (whether they be online or through watching on Twitch).
до достижения
этой Цели
Showing of works on projects from the lead through Twitch. People on Discord can come onto the Twitch and chat while the lead is working on projects.
до достижения
этой Цели
At this point, mods and/or randomly selected patrons may join in testing out some tabletop RPGs that are being developed and get a hands on feel of the projects.
до достижения
этой Цели
The games with mods and/or randomly selected patrons will be recorded and shown. Of course, those involved will be asked if they want to be recorded. If not, then a separate group will be formed.
до достижения
этой Цели
Artists can be found/commissioned to come up with some artwork for tabletop projects. These will mostly consist of maps and maybe some tokens, but it's something.
до достижения
этой Цели
Regular community artwork competitions can be held where patrons can participate and is voted on by the community. Winners can receive their donation value back in gift cards. Minimum value is $10.
до достижения
этой Цели
A website dedicated to the projects can be formed for more ease of access and discussion outside of patreon/subscribe star and discord.
до достижения
этой Цели
Cash is saved for better recording equipment. This opens avenue for more content not relating to projects just to goof around with; like opinion pieces on certain topics or analysis on certain media.
до достижения
этой Цели
Advertisement can be set up to spread the word around of projects officially. Get some tabletop playing accounts try out for themselves with sponsored plays, reviewers to check out comics, and what not.
до достижения
этой Цели
Modification to the competitions mentioned in $350 goal. Second prize is a gift card, first prize is a free copy of any game from Steam.
до достижения
этой Цели
At this stage, there is a possible chance of saving up money to purchase the service of someone to create a quality website so the team can move over there to host all sorts of things, whether it be tabletop series, news updates, stores, and so forth.

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