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coldfox - Worlds easiest web browser. Truly portable. Fully set up. No installation needed, just unzip and go. Keep all your data in one place for maximum privacy and security.
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  • Coldfox is firefox how it was meant to be: Respecting the intelligence and privacy of the user. Set up for power users and those who prefer the original, logical layout of the User Interface. It is a portable app the way portable apps were meant to be: No install, fully self contained, fully set up and ready to go out of the box. No more hassle migrating your data, history, passwords, bookmarks etc.. Everything is in one place. Where ever you move it, it still works the same.
  • If you need extreme data security, zip the whole thing to a password protected archive when not in use.
  • Runs side by side with firefox if you want to separate certain aspects of your browsing. Keep 'forbidden extensions' like dissenter readily available: Because you're an adult, and you don't need a corporation being a nanny deciding what you should be allowed to see or say. (Same reason I removed the infantile cutesy cartoon characters from the error pages) Your support helps keep a browser for adults alive and up to date. Most of the changes needed to make Coldfox have to be manually applied for each addition and custom adjustments sometimes need to be made to keep up with code changes in new additions. With enough support to do this as a part time job I can add more advanced packages and ideally restore lost functions (e.g. a fully functioning status bar)
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ESR is out. Currently testing. Want to try it for a few days to see if stability issues have been addressed before rebuilding it.
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68 beta has not been great. There are still regular crashes related to JavaScript activity but it...

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So 67 is about as bad a release of Firefox as I have ever seen. It is buggy and frequently crashes. They have also added in new self-checking and auto-update methods that bypass my old bypasses. Oh and 4 updates which seem to have made stability worse.

So I'm currently testing a 68beta version of Coldfox. I have reworked the update bypass and am checking stability. Updates (to the browser) will be blocked completely. Leaving the option in is no longer viable with the changes they have made. Also Mozilla's claim that you could run different versions of 67 "side by side without interfering with each other" turned out to be a complete load. Disappointing.

Again 67 is garbage and I reiterate my recommendation to stick to Coldfox66 until further notice. Interesting side note, Mozilla is finally recommending you not use AdblockPlus due to stability issues.
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Firefox 67 release has been pushed back a week presumably due to the add on signing error. Some add ons are still being rejected as corrupt due to problems with the internal check code. The information provided by Mozilla regarding signing is flat out incorrect and they have yet to publicly acknowledge that the problem even exists.
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So it seems like Firefox 67 will implement a new "Feature" to "Protect users from running old versions of Firefox". Nice try Mozilla.

~15% of Firefox users are sticking with version 56 or earlier.

By the nature of its design Coldfox should natively stop 67 from interfering with your old install but I will check this before release. Firefox 67 is due out on the 14th and I expect to have Coldfox 67 out by the 16th. Not that there will be significantly more features and from the looks of it most people will be fine sticking with 66 until 68 comes out.

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Add-on signing no longer required

I have altered the .7z download so that unsigned add-ons can be installed.

The .zip version remains the same and still requires add-ons to be signed.

Choose whichever you prefer

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