coldfox profile
coldfox - Worlds easiest web browser. Truly portable. Fully set up. No installation needed, just unzip and go. Keep all your data in one place for maximum privacy and security.

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per month

They take the first $0.30 in processing fees so less than this is just enriching the middlemen.

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per month
Pack of coffee

Caffeine does help you code

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Better use of $$$ than a movie ticket

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Because why not

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Big shovel

I really dig this project

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  • Coldfox is firefox how it was meant to be: Respecting the intelligence and privacy of the user. Set up for power users and those who prefer the original, logical layout of the User Interface. It is a portable app the way portable apps were meant to be: No install, fully self contained, fully set up and ready to go out of the box. No more hassle migrating your data, history, passwords, bookmarks etc.. Everything is in one place. Where ever you move it, it still works the same.
  • If you need extreme data security, zip the whole thing to a password protected archive when not in use.
  • Runs side by side with firefox if you want to separate certain aspects of your browsing. Keep 'forbidden extensions' like dissenter readily available: Because you're an adult, and you don't need a corporation being a nanny deciding what you should be allowed to see or say. (Same reason I removed the infantile cutesy cartoon characters from the error pages) Your support helps keep a browser for adults alive and up to date. Most of the changes needed to make Coldfox have to be manually applied for each addition and custom adjustments sometimes need to be made to keep up with code changes in new additions. With enough support to do this as a part time job I can add more advanced packages and ideally restore lost functions (e.g. a fully functioning status bar)

Star Stats

8 posts


to reach
the Goal
Part-time coder. Enough support to garantee ongoing updates, code improvements and additional features
to reach
the Goal
Quit your day job. At this level I can work on preserving liberty and empowering individuals full time.

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